Shabbat Services

Country Shul welcomes you and your family & friends to join us for weekly Shabbat programs.

Our Shabbat services are suitable for people from any Jewish background. 


Friday Eve

  • Just before sunset: Shabbat Candle lighting
  • Followed by: Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Evening services


  • 7:30 AM: Shacharit (Early Minyan)
  • 9:45 AM: Shacharit (Ashkenazi Minyan)

Kidush & Lunch

  • Please contact us if you plan to join us for kidush and lunch, to confirm time and space.


We recommend arriving 15 minutes early so you can have a coffee or refreshment and take your time finding a seat.

Mincha, Ma’ariv & Havdalah Service - is contingent upon Minyan confirmation. Please contact us to join our community Whatsapp group where we confirm attendance each week.